We make our annual production of tomato sauce a two-day event. We start with ingredients from the garden. We also picked some red raspberries and squash, which will not be part of the finished product.
The tomatoes are dumped into a water-filled sink for cleaning. Stems and blemishes are removed in Step 2. The halved and quartered pot-ready ingredients are pictured in the stainless steel bowl.
Marcia works on the garden peppers and onions to be added to the cooking kettles. The hot peppers are classified as "men's work" and are left for treatment by Bill.
All the ingredients are cooked for several hours. As the moisture leaves and the mixture cooks down, more tomatoes are added to totally fill the space in the large restaurant-size and -weight pots. The heat is turned off, tops added, and the mixture waits for day 2.
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