We are beginning to work our way through the large pear crop from our two trees. They ripen at different rates, and the harvest from the first tree is ready for canning.
The canner begins to fill up with jars as the peeled pears are covered with sugar water, sealed with lids and tops, and nestled in the carrier prior to being boiled for 30 minutes.
Pears are a great deal of work. They are small, their skin clings to the meat, and there is a lot of time and effort needed to fill the jars. Marcia does the final prep and packing in the jars as this is classified as skilled work. Bill, the unskilled member of the duo, is limited to rough peeling, filling the jars
The pears come out of the canner, ready for storage. By happenstance, Marcia likes peaches better and Bill prefers pears. We try to have some of each in the cupboard -- makes for a happy marriage!!
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