Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Sewing Day - Part 2

Priscilla continues to move her "bugs" around as she ponders their final placement for her new quilt. She enjoyed her five-day class from Jane Sassaman at QSDS in Columbus, OH, and sure has mastered capturing the essence of the chosen design in developing her templates. We like the result very much!

Inspector Suki always enjoys the visits of Priscilla and Beth. She, of course, chooses the one place she should not sit as she surveys her kingdom -- from the basket holding the latest pieces of Priscilla's creation which will now be adorned with Suki fur!

We added some new shelves for one of the closets in the studio. Suki works to make the space her own, as she heads for one of her favorite spots -- ie., Priscilla's carry case for her Featherweight sewing machine.

Suki usually peels back the cover of the carrying case and settles down. The new shelves do not allow this procedure, so she sits on the top, expressing the countenance that this is the way she planned it all along!!

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