Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Closing Camp

A trip to Chase Lake each Fall to shut things down is a season-ending ritual.  This year we had a warm, sunny day to drive the 150 miles. 

A view from the dock highlights the reflected beauty of the quiet, natural shoreline which is descriptive of the covenants requiring homes and cottages to stand back hidden from lake view.

Steps from the dock lead down to the sandy bottom of the lake for easy entry to the water or a boat.  The row boat is for fishing or a tour of the lake -- motors are not allowed in any form on any craft.

This is the side of the log cabin structure from the west.  A clearing was established a few years ago and plans were drawn up for a new timberframe cottage, but plans are on hold at the moment.

The half-way point of the journey is marked by a very nice community park outside of Mexico, New York.  Picnic areas and fields for baseball and soccer are nicely maintained.  As you can see, a beautiful red maple was in full regalia.

Another line of fall colors sparkled in the distance at the park.  What a great place for a ball game, and kids were gathering there when we stopped on our way home.
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