Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sewing Days

Beth and Priscilla were at the studio for some sewing time one day last week.

Carol Altemus, who started her jacket in Priscilla's class in March, stopped in for some fitting advice from Priscilla.

Here's a better view of her jacket, which is looking good even in its rough stage.

 Beth was putting binding on her Sunset quilt, which I believe is to be shown at the Genesee Valley Quilt Club June 3, 4, and 5.

And today Priscilla, Beth and I had our final committee meeting for the Project Iron Quilter contest that will be held on Saturday, June 4th, at the GVQC quilt show.  Genie Barnes joined us, and she will be serving as our judge.

Beth brought the parts of the turquoise jacket she's working on and completed these pieces for the sleeves.  The center strips of embroidered panels came from one of Priscilla's trips.

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