We had a very dry summer in this part of the state. Real farmers and us home-style variety struggled to add water in sufficient quantities to produce a crop.
The tomatoes here mark the end of our production. We were able to put away several batches of canned beauties for winter use.
The ever-bearing red raspberries keep on coming, with a quart a day being the average yield.
The onions and carrots made us proud. We haven't grown carrots in several years and will leave most of them in the ground for another month or two.
The butternut were the only winter squash variety to survive. We don't have any ideas why the other varieties didn't follow suit --- the mysteries of germination and growth!
Our only gourd planting this year was the large goose-neck variety shown here. We picked several more that are a little smaller than this trio, and a generous appraisal would be "an okay year."
Profuse watering of our early and late string beans was very successful. We will cover our late crop next week to avoid damage from our first frost and hope to extend our harvesting season.

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