Monday, May 28, 2012

Another snapper

This is another snapping turtle, laying eggs in the hard ground where the front lawn ends and close to the road.  We don't usually see these turtles very far away from their pond.  And while we weren't surprised to find eggs in the garden, it doesn't seem these will have a good chance of survival.

This was a good weekend to work in the vegetable garden.   We have the tomatoes, peppers, basil, dill, peas, spinach, onions, carrots, squashes and gourds planted. 

The existing red raspberry bushes are filling out nicely.

We started some new red raspberry plants last year, and they're doing well too.  The rhubarb plants at the end of the row are filling out, and we've taste-tested some in rhubarb pies -- Yum!
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